Getting started

Preparing clients

Epoptes is packaged in Debian which is used for installation. Some of the Epoptes configuration needs to be changed/managed by this role. In order for dpkg to not ask about changed files managed by this role during package updates, the role diverts those files by default.

This step is done when prepare_client is present in the epoptes__deploy_modes list. Preparation is the first stage of the role and followed by the configuration stage. Prepared clients are the foundation for both supported configuration modes described in the following sections.

Direct configuration modes

The role can be run directly against all teacher and student computers and setup Epoptes in classrooms this way. This mode does not require a server other than the Ansible controller for client configuration.

This mode is active when one of teacher or student is present in the epoptes__deploy_modes list. postsync configuration modes

The postsync mode was based on the Epoptes integration in but handles the access/distribution of the private key of Epoptes differently to mitigate exposure of this key via unauthenticated rsync access which is possible when following the Epoptes integration in documentation. A skilled adversary (never underestimate students ;-) could use this key to setup their own Epoptes server after also spoofing the IP address on which clients try to reach the server. This attack has been mitigated by only copying the private key to the teacher computer when a teacher has logged in.

This mode is active when postsync is present in the epoptes__deploy_modes list.

The directory structure on the server will look similar to this:

├── r23_student
│   ├── etc
│   │   ├── default
│   │   │   └── epoptes-client
│   │   ├── epoptes
│   │   │   └── server.crt
│   │   ├── init.d
│   │   │   └── epoptes-client
│   │   └── xdg
│   │       └── autostart
│   │           └── epoptes-client.desktop
│   └── usr
│       └── local
│           └── bin
│               └──
├── r23_teacher
│   ├── etc
│   │   ├── default
│   │   │   └── epoptes
│   │   ├── epoptes
│   │   ├── init.d
│   │   │   └── epoptes
│   │   ├── sudoers.d
│   │   │   └── ansible-teacher-epoptes-restart
│   │   └── xdg
│   │       └── autostart
│   │           └── epoptes-copy-key.desktop
│   └── usr
│       └── local
│           ├── bin
│           │   └──
│           └── share
│               └── applications
│                   └── epoptes.desktop

Example host inventory

The inventory configuration will be different depending on which mode of operation you choose for your environment.

To manage Epoptes on a given host or set of hosts, they need to be added to the [ypid_service_epoptes] Ansible group in the inventory:


Common inventory for both modes:







For direct configuration mode, all client hosts would be member of the [ypid_service_epoptes] Ansible group so that the role is run against all of them directly. This could look as follows, where [sint.example.org_clients_r23] is an Ansible group itself as defined in the example above:


For postsync configuration mode, the server needs to be member of the [ypid_service_epoptes] Ansible group. Additionally, all clients should be part of the group as well so that they can be prepared. Note that you would typically only run Ansible against one of those clients, then make an image of this one client and distribute the image to all other clients from which they will sync their root filesystem.



Example Ansible inventory variables

To choose the mode in which the role runs against each remote host, the epoptes__deploy_modes variable has to be set for each host explicitly. This should be done again using Ansible groups.

For direct configuration mode:


  - 'prepare_client'
  - 'teacher'


  - 'prepare_client'
  - 'student'

For postsync configuration mode:


  - 'prepare_client'


  - 'postsync'

Example playbook

Here's an example playbook that uses the ypid.epoptes role:


- name: Setup and manage Epoptes
  hosts: [ 'ypid_service_epoptes' ]
  become: True

  environment: '{{ inventory__environment | d({})
                   | combine(inventory__group_environment | d({}))
                   | combine(inventory__host_environment  | d({})) }}'


    - role: ypid.epoptes
      tags: [ 'role::epoptes' ]

This playbooks is shipped with this role under ./docs/playbooks/epoptes.yml from which you can symlink it to your playbook directory. In case you use multiple roles maintained by ypid, consider using ypid-ansible-common where the symlinking is done for you :-)

Ansible tags

You can use Ansible --tags or --skip-tags parameters to limit what tasks are performed during Ansible run. This can be used after a host was first configured to speed up playbook execution, when you are sure that most of the configuration is already in the desired state.

Available role tags:

Main role tag, should be used in the playbook to execute all of the role tasks as well as role dependencies.
Tasks related to system package management like installing or removing packages.
Tasks related to client preparation.
Tasks related to key management like creating the private key and the X.509 certificate.