ypid.opsi default variables

Packages and installation


List of base packages to install.

  - 'p7zip-full'

What is the desired state which this role should achieve? Possible options:

Default. Ensure that Opsi is installed and configured as requested.
Ensure that Opsi is uninstalled and it's configuration is removed.


Currently, only present is fully supported!

opsi__deploy_state: 'present'

Opsi product updates

Opsi products are usually installed/updated thought a central repository. This repository can hold a variety of Opsi products which can be updated (and installed if not already present) using the opsi-product-updater.


Whether or not to run the opsi-product-updater during role execution.


This might take a long time, especially on the first run.

opsi__product_updater_run: True

Additional command line options for opsi-product-updater.

Refer to the paedML Linux 6.0 section for details on the specific flags set as default here.

  - '-i'
  - '-v'
  - '-v'

Install and remove Opsi products

This section allows you to manually install provided Opsi products on the server.

Refer to the documentation of all options for more details.


This variable is intended to be used in Ansible’s global inventory. More specific variables can overrule less specific variables.

opsi__products: {}

This variable is intended to be used in a host inventory group of Ansible (only one host group is supported).

opsi__products_host_group: {}

This variable is intended to be used in the inventory of hosts.

opsi__products_host: {}

Opsi product installation files

Some Opsi products are not usable out of the box. This section describes how to make those Opsi products usable by providing missing installation files. The reason why they are not usable is because of the restrictive nature of proprietary software (e. g. Microsoft).

Refer to the documentation of all options for more details.


This variable is intended to be used in Ansible’s global inventory. More specific variables can overrule less specific variables.

opsi__installfiles: {}

This variable is intended to be used in a host inventory group of Ansible (only one host group is supported).

opsi__installfiles_host_group: {}

This variable is intended to be used in the inventory of hosts.

opsi__installfiles_host: {}

List of hash algorithms, in order of preference starting with the preferred one. The first hash algorithm will be used when it was specified using archive_checksum.

Currently, only sha1 is supported but the role default will use the strongest hash function available in the Ansible copy module. The stat module could be used to use stronger hash function right now (as of Ansible 2.0) but the copy module calculates a checksum anyway so it was decided to wait for proper support in the copy module. Checksum calculation and compararchiven should be backwards compatible.

opsi__installfiles_achrive_hash_algo_preference: [ 'sha1' ]



Base directory path on the Opsi server where the Opsi products are installed.

opsi__depoy_base_path: '/var/lib/opsi/depot'

Name of the directory where the install files should be placed.

opsi__depoy_installfiles_dir_name: 'installfiles'

Base directory path on the Opsi server where the Opsi products defined in the Install and remove Opsi products section will be copied to.

opsi__products_files_dir_path: '/home/fixme/ansible_managed'

System user who owns the opsi__products_files_dir_path and all files and directories below it.

opsi__products_files_owner: 'root'

System group of the opsi__products_files_dir_path and all files and directories below it.

opsi__products_files_group: 'root'

Unix permissions of the opsi__products_files_dir_path and all files and directories below it. Refer to chmod(1) for details.

opsi__products_files_permissions: 'u=rwX,g=rwX,o=rX'

Base directory path on the Opsi server where the Opsi products are installed.

opsi__installfiles_archive_dir_path: '/var/local/archives'

Base directory path on the Opsi server where the archive files will be mounted in order to get to the files contained in the archive.

opsi__installfiles_archive_tmp_mount_dir_path: '/media/archive'

If set to True, don’t run Opsi specific commands in case they are not installed. This allows for role development against a system which does not have Opsi installed.

opsi__testing_mode: False