ypid.whereami default variables

Installation options


List of base packages to install.

  - 'whereami'

List of additional scripts and tests for whereami to install. Those scripts come with this role as they have not yet reached upstream or did not yet have enough time to flow downstream).


Test if a certain network interface has been assigned a certain network address or other flags using regular expressions on the output of the ip command.

Test against device network-manager can provide.

Check if wlan0 is currently connected to "connection_name":

./testnm-device "wlan0,GENERAL\.CONNECTION:connection_name"

Test against connection information network-manager can provide.

Check if given connection UUID is active:

./testnm-connection 'tun\d+,c910b0bc-5733-4093-812e-5f2a2d806314'
Test for known hosts in the neighbour table of the kernel.
  - 'testip'
  - 'testnm-device'
  - 'testnm-connection'
  - 'testneighbour'

Install a bug fixed version of whereami instead of the upstream version.


  • Sort locations to not report a location change only because the order has changed.
whereami__install_patches: False

Install the hook script also to /etc/network/if-up.d/. This is needed when you use network manager because it does not run scripts on if-pre-up.d.

whereami__install_to_if_up_d: False

Install the hook script also to /etc/network/if-post-down.d/ to run whereami also when a device goes down.

whereami__install_to_if_post_down_d: False



UNIX permissions for configuration files.

whereami__configuration_mode: '0644'

The detection configuration for whereami.

This file describes unique features of various environments you connect to and associates them with those locations.

When a test is successful, no further tests will be conducted until a subsequent 'if' or 'fi' statement, or if the line is preceded by the word 'always'.

You may also set environment variables for the scripts (test and action) subsequently called by whereami using "set <varname> <value>".

See detect.conf(5) for lots more information, especially for the details of the helper scripts used here.

whereami__location_detection_rules: |
  # It is a good idea to default to somewhere...
  default undocked

  always testip eth0,LOWER_UP  lan
  always testip wlan0,LOWER_UP wlan

  # Uncomment this for exhaustive debugging output

  # 'down' might be a location that is forced from the command line
  # like "whereami down"
  if down
    always at undocked
    always notat eth0,wlan0

  if lan
    testip 'eth0,inet 192\.0\.2\.\d+/24'    location1,location1-lan
    testip 'eth0,inet 198\.51\.100\.\d+/24' location1,location1-lan

  if wlan
    testnm-connection 'wlan0,GENERAL\.CONNECTION:location1-wlan' location1,location1-wlan
    testnm-connection 'wlan0,GENERAL\.CONNECTION:location2-wlan' location2,location2-wlan

The action configuration for whereami. Check whereami.conf(5) for details.

whereami__action_rules: |
  # #
  # # Sample configuration file for 'whereami' copyright Andrew McMillan, 1999
  # #

  # # Regardless, we always rotate the netscape preferences file.
  # =any savelog -p /home/andrew/.netscape/preferences.js
  # =any cat /home/andrew/.netscape/preferences.js.0 >>/home/andrew/.netscape/preferences.js

  # # By default just send mail directly across the internet
  # =any MAIL_RELAY="none"
  # # By default send all mail via our main mailserver, since we do TLS+SASL there
  # =any MAIL_RELAY="smtp.mydomain.com"
  # By default we assume that the detection configured routing
  =any GATEWAY=""
  # By default we assume we have an unfiltered internet connection
  =any PROXY="none"
  =any NTPDAEMON=/etc/init.d/ntp-server
  =any NTPSERVER=ntp

  ## You will need to install the "resolvconf" package for these to
  ## work, and edit the following couple of stanzas to the right
  ## interface names.

  ## This only happens if we are not at a WLAN
  #!wlan ifconfig ath0 down
  #!wlan resolvconf -d ath0

  ## This only happens if we are not at a LAN
  #!lan ifconfig eth0 down
  #!lan resolvconf -d eth0

  # # Catalyst
  # +catalyst bind-forwarders
  # +catalyst setresolver search laptop.cat-it.co.nz wgtn.cat-it.co.nz catalyst.net.nz nameserver
  # +catalyst mount /plato/general
  # +catalyst mount /home/andrew/plato
  # =catalyst export PROXY=" 8080"
  # =catalyst export NTPSERVER="plato"
  # =catalyst export GATEWAY=""

  # # At home
  # =home export PROXY=" 3128"
  # =home export NTPSERVER="adorno"
  # =home setresolver search localhost mcmillan.net.nz nameserver
  # +home smbmount //hegel/c /hegel/c -I -N >>/dev/null
  # -home umount /hegel/* >>/dev/null

  # # AmTrust in Auckland
  # +amtrust bind-forwarders
  # +amtrust setresolver search laptop.cat-it.co.nz akld.capit.co.nz catalyst.net.nz nameserver

  # # AGP in Sydney
  # +agp bind-forwarders
  # +agp setresolver search laptop.cat-it.co.nz agp.com.au catalyst.net.nz nameserver

  # # When we're in Sydney we want to change to the correct timezone, and
  # # then change it back when we leave.
  # +agp rm /etc/localtime
  # +agp ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney /etc/localtime
  # -agp rm /etc/localtime
  # -agp ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Pacific/Auckland /etc/localtime

  # # TTP In Auckland
  # =ttpak export MAIL_RELAY=
  # =ttpak export PROXY=" 3128"

  # # First we mount the drives if we are in the docking station.  These always
  # # get unmounted cleanly because we have to shut down to remove the laptop.
  # =catalyst if ( grep "^docked" /var/lib/whereami/iam >/dev/null ) then
  # =catalyst   mount /dev/hde1 /dos/f -t vfat
  # =catalyst   mount /dev/hde2 /dock -t ext2
  # =catalyst   /root/bin/bkup2dock &
  # =catalyst fi

  # =docked mount /dos/f; mount /dock
  # =docked /root/bin/bkup2dock &

  # =undocked killall dhclient 2>/dev/null;  killall dhclient3 2>/dev/null
  # =undocked MAIL_RELAY=queue

  # # So we can override this for any configuration
  # =any setmailrelay ${MAIL_RELAY}
  # =any setoops ${PROXY}

  # # Set any gateway that got called for in passing
  # =any [ -n "${GATEWAY}" ] && route add default gw ${GATEWAY} 2>/dev/null

  # # Use any reasonable NTP server
  # =undocked if /bin/false ; then
  # =any ${NTPDAEMON} stop
  # =any ntpdate ${NTPSERVER}
  # =any ${NTPDAEMON} start
  # =undocked fi

  # =any /usr/local/sbin/local-firewalling start
  # =any sync
  # =any ( /etc/init.d/cupsys stop; sleep 10; /etc/init.d/cupsys start ) >/dev/null 2>&1 &